Sketchbook #051 | Tuesday, January 31, 2012 |
This should really be called a journal entry rather than a sketchbook entry.
I've kept journals for many years to keep bits and pieces of my life together, the detritus that floats through our lives. I'm not a very sentimental person, and have never taken a lot photographs of my life, just of things that visually strike me I want to record for later work, or images that take me to an emotional place.
This page and half is from a black leather journal with grid pages I bought probably 15 years ago. I used to keep a lot of personal entries and loved to take those small polaroids that were the size of postage stamps, some of the few photos I've taken of myself. God I loved those polaroids, they were so special, intimate, beautiful in the way they'd capture low light. I wish they were still around.
Here I collaged a portrait of Virginia Wolfe with a sleeping Buddha and some dried hydrangea blossoms from one of my mother's many bouquets she gave me over the years. Don't know why the bandaid's there, but it works somehow. I like the symbol for something mending, or a wound that's hidden. I took these tiny shots of me at night while I was working, not very flattering, but they show me while I was thinking and working things out, which I like.
This seems to be a time where we are all thinking and working things out, so many changes, transitions, adaptations going on. Exciting, scary, and filled with possibility. I don't think anyone who is awake will be bored any time soon : )
Have a great week everyone, stay grounded, think before you speak, and be patient.
We are all connected.